Best Slash - Responsive E-mail Template
Slash a flat design email template. with 7 different color style to suit you business. with an extra header detail next to the main title you can include a little date or article writer name to make your title look more interesting. I also provide 1 extra psd file for you to easily make a image with placeholder as you see in the live preview.
- 77 html file
- 7 html for Campaign Monitor – include Campaign Monitor tag : singleline, multiline, editable, repeater, layout.
- 7 html for MailChimp – include MailChimp tag: mc:edit, mc:repeatable, mc:hideable, mc:mc:variant.
- 49 regular html file ready to use
- 7 psd file +1extra psd for placeholder image.
- 7 color scheme (Blue, Cyan, Dark, Violet)
- Commented HTML
- Flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace)
- Campaign Monitor and MailChimp ready
- Responsive
- Flat Design
- Sliced Icons ready to use (from Designmodo )
- Compatible with awesome WordPress plunin MyMail
- Campaign Monitor – 7 html file in 7 separate in folder by color.
- Mail Chimp – 7 html file in 7 folder.
- Regular html – 49 html(None MailChimp or Campaign Monitor TAG) include 7 folder and 7 html (6 layout style and 1 mix layout) in each folder.
- Photoshop file – 7 psd file +Placeholder.psd for make you easily cilpping mask your image a little caption as you see in the demo.
- Documentation – include how to upload to Campaign Monitor and Mail Chimp. FAQ section.
- MyMail – 14 compatible html file. include both index.html and notification.html for plugin
Clean design panel make it easy to navigate through the content.
19/09/2013 V 1.1
- Add more file for MyMail – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
- Add 3 more color style (Green, Red, Pink)
- +27 more html file for 3 color.
- Add 3 more psd file. (Green.psd, Red.psd, Pink.psd)
- Initial Release
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